Arcade Leases

We lease arcade machines for corporate game rooms.

Are you thinking of providing a game room for your employees?  Game rooms are becoming an expectation for companies that want to recruit and retain good employees.  What used to be considered a staple for tech company cultures is now expected for any size company that wants to be considered relevant and in touch with the current generations.

Why are corporate game rooms still growing?  20 years ago it was an annual thing to plan a “Team Building” outing.  Today’s game rooms are about team building and de-stressing on a daily basis.  Today’s culture and pace of business is stressful.  If you have high expectations for output from your employees, you will want to provide some stress relief and a game room is a low cost way to do it.

Many people think “Game Rooms” are about electronic games, but there not.  The more high tech and screen time required at a company, the more low tech non-screen games are desired.  Classics games like Ping-pong/Table Tennis, Darts, Foosball and billiards are the cornerstones to a well rounded game room.  A balance with video games and you have a well balance offering.

Companies with a game room are communicating something about their brand and workplace culture to the world: we have fun, we are friends, we don’t take ourselves too seriously. 

We also like to encourage customers to have Classic games which provide an easy way to have a tournament each month.  Tournaments can be setup as single or double elimination and cause man

Why lease arcades if we can just buy them?  Many companies start that way because it seems logical, but employees can be finicky.  Games that you think are they will love they play occasionally and games you would not expect get played non-stop.  Every corporate environment is different and the games they gravitate towards are too.  We get many calls of companies asking us to remove the games they have looking to replace them with something better.  When you do a lease, we give you flexibility.

How do arcade leases work?  You choose the games you want.  If we do not have them, we will attain them.  If you choose games we have in stock, you can switch games in and out each month until you have games you want to keep for some time.  If any games have need maintenance or repairs, there is no cost to you.  It is covered in the monthly lease.  The only additional charges are the costs for delivery each time we switch out games.  The program is easy, convenient and affordable.

The Fun Ones Party Rental Associations